I have to say that as far as a term goes, this one has been pretty awesome. I have come away with some cool new tools and some new friends and colleagues (pictured left).

One of my finals was to write a reflection of my experience in my Instructional Technology class. See it below:

I really enjoyed this class, because I really got to expand my knowledge of the variety of free programs, which I think have been really enriching for me. The coolest thing for me has been making the website. I have tried to make one using one of these free sites, but like 10 years ago… and the result was sloppy and horrible. I then took a class in college which taught me Dreamweaver. The result was better, but still amateurish, and I really can’t remember much about it. I found this website building very easy to use (although a little limiting), but the results are really good. I have also decided to start blogging a little, and I have already used this website on a resume to show off some of my stuff.

I really can’t think of a specific low point, I know I struggled with the mind map for a bit, because I had no idea what to do it on. Then when I finally settled on something it ended up being huge and time consuming.  I still have some trouble with Prezi, but it may be a little bit of a personal bias, because I got kind of sea sick while watching the first couple. Plus when I was setting it up, the navigation wasn’t familiar, so it would be frustrating to get stuck somewhere, or with the paged turned askew and not knowing how to get back to normal.

I think that because I am already pretty savvy with technology, so for most of the projects I was really able to jump in and get started. I liked that the programs we weren’t super complicated, but they had awesome results.

What I am taking away is really just a huge amount of practical experience and a tool belt full of different ideas that will help me to mix up my activities and maximize the learning opportunities. I also have a rockin’ online portfolio, that looks great now, but I will be able to update and change as I do more with my career. Like I said I am already using this on my resume, both for jobs that I am interviewing for (cross your fingers for me, I applied to be a Trainer for DHS) and for the internships that I am seeking for next term.  I am really looking forward to next term, and thank you, Jonan for sharing your brain with us. Next term is going to be awesome!

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